
California Immigration Lawyer – Change in I-130 Filing Instructions

A few days ago, USCIS issued an Update announcing revised filing instructions for Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. As many of you may know, Form I-130 is the most common form to be used when filing a relative petition. Unlike immediate relative (Parents and Spouses) petitions that are normally files with the Chicago Benefits Center, all other relative categories (brother/sisters, children of USC’s over 21, spouses of US residents, etc), used to be filed with one of the 4 service centers (California, Texas,Vermont, and Nebraska).

Effective immediately, all petitioners filing stand-alone Form I-130s must file their petitions with the Chicago Lockbox instead of a USCIS Service Center.

Under the new rules, all stand alone I-130 petitions must be filed at the following address and only at this address:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
427 S. LaSalle – 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60605-1098
Read the press release here Download file

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