
H1B Visa Lawyer – H-1B Extensions for Beneficiaries at Third-Party Worksites

In light of the increase in RFEs focused on the employer-employee relationship, right to control, and availability of “qualifying employment” at third-party worksites, here are some suggestions in order to maximize the likelihood of securing a three-year H-1B extension for petitions involving placement at third-party worksites:
1. Submit a certified labor condition application (LCA) that lists multiple work locations, including the Petitioner’s home office address, as well as the third-party worksite location(s);
2. Document “qualifying employment” for the Beneficiary at the third-party worksite through End-Client letters confirming a project duration of longer than a year, preferably for the entire three years if the requested validity is three years;
3. End-Client letters should specify the job duties for the Beneficiary at the worksite, duration of the project, supervisor’s name, and supervisor’s telephone number. It is critical to establish that the Beneficiary is an employee of the Petitioner and that the Petitioner retains the ultimate “right to control” the Beneficiary;
4. Provide evidence of “qualifying employment,” such as: contracts, statement of work, work order between Petitioner and End-Client (if there are intermediate vendors involved, offer the entire chain of contracts between the Petitioner and End-Client); and
5. Submit Employee Handbooks as evidence of “Employer-Employee relationship” and “right to control.” Petitioner’s Employee Handbook should include issues such as salary, benefits, payroll procedures, performance evaluations, project progress review procedures, supervision of beneficiary’s work, right to hire/fire, etc. All of the previous stated items for the Petitioner’s Employee Handbook are requirements identified in the January 8, 2010, Neufeld Memo.

For more information about the above referenced info and about the H1B visa feel free to email me.

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