
Green Card Lottery DV-2010 deadline is today!!!

If you were planning to apply for the Green Card Lottery, but have not taken the time to do so, you had better move fast real fast. The DV-2010 lottery application period expires at noon, Eastern Standard Time, December 1st, that is actually today. You can still apply online without having to pay an attorney by clicking here

The DV-2010 program apportions visa issuance among six geographic regions (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America (other than Mexico ), Oceania, and South America (including Mexico , Central America and the Caribbean ). The world is divided up into high and low admission regions and each of the six regions is divided into high and low admission states. A greater portion of the visas goes to the low admission regions than to high admissions regions. High admission states are entirely excluded from the lottery (those states are listed above)
and low admission states compete equally with other low admission states in the same region. No single state may receive more than 7% (3,500) of the 50,000 allotted visas.

The law and regulations require that every diversity visa entrant must have at least a high school education or its equivalent or have, within the past five years, two years of work experience in an occupation requiring at least two years’ training or experience.

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