Articles Posted in Legalization

usa-1327105_1280The U.S. presidential election is set to be held in just fifteen days and the stakes couldn’t be higher for immigrants at the mercy of our broken immigration system.

In this blog post, we discuss where the presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump stand on key issues relating to immigration.

What would immigration look like under the Harris administration?

Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to continue many of the immigration policies proposed under President Biden. Among them, illegal immigration continues to be a hot button issue.

Illegal Immigration

Harris plans to tackle the border crisis by pushing for bipartisan legislation that would provide additional funding to hire thousands of new border patrol agents to secure our southern border.

In keeping with Biden’s proposals, Kamala also supports closing the border once border crossings have reached an average of more than 5,000 migrants per day over a week period. She has also said she will throw her support behind Biden’s policies barring asylum applications from individuals crossing the border illegally.

Since becoming Vice President, she has become tougher on illegal immigration telling CNN, “We have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. And there should be consequences.”

Concerning pathways to permanent residence, she supports “an earned pathway to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants. However, no details have been provided by her campaign regarding necessary criteria to become legalized.

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ai-generated-8489042_1280New details have emerged relating to a pending lawsuit before the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas known as  Texas et. al. vs. DHS et. al., Case No. 6:24-cv-00306 (E.D. Tex.), which is currently blocking the approval of applications filed under the Biden administration’s parole in place program.

Litigation Updates

On August 26th eleven individual intervening parties who stood to benefit from the parole in place program filed a motion to intervene in the Texas lawsuit.

Thereafter, on September 3rd the Texas district court judge denied the motion to intervene. As a result, the intervening parties filed an appeal before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit claiming the lower court’s denial of the motion to intervene was unjustified.

On September 11th  the Fifth Circuit Court ordered the lower court to freeze all proceedings until they have had the opportunity to hear the intervenors appeal.

A hearing date of October 10th has been set and the court has said that no further action can be taken in the lower court until that date.

The appellate court’s order states as follows, “Meaning no criticism of the district court’s recognition of the need for prompt resolution, this panel must have an opportunity to consider the merits briefs, scheduled to be received by September 16, and to hear argument on the appeal of the denial of intervention. Accordingly, we administratively STAY proceedings in the district court pending a decision on the merits or other order of this court. The stay issued by the district court will remain in effect pending further order of this court.”

What does this mean for parole in place applications?

In the meantime, USCIS can continue accepting and processing parole in place applications under the Keeping Families Together program, but it cannot approve cases until further notice.

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judgment-8442199_1280We have new developments to report relating to pending litigation for parole in place applications in the case Texas et. al. vs. DHS et. al., Case No. 6:24-cv-00306 (E.D. Tex.).

Yesterday evening, federal Judge J. Campbell Barker of the Eastern District Court of Texas issued a court order extending his previous administrative stay on parole in place (PIP) approvals for an additional 14-day period expiring on September 23, 2024.

The judge’s initial stay (of August 26th), which was set to expire on September 9, 2024, will now continue through September 23rd.

What does this mean for parole in place applications?

While the administrative stay is in place, those eligible for parole in place under the Keeping Families Together program can continue to submit the online Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

USCIS will also continue to issue biometrics appointment notices to capture applicant biometrics during the administrative stay.

However, USCIS is prohibited from approving applications received for as long as the administrative stay is in place (currently until September 23rd)

This is because the Texas lawsuit challenges the legality of the Keeping Families Together program and approvals must be paused while the parties in the case make their arguments before the court, and a final ruling is made.

What’s next in the Texas lawsuit?

The court has ordered an accelerated hearing where motions for preliminary and permanent relief will be heard on September 18th.  The accelerated proceedings in this case mean that the judge could make a decision on the merits of the case in the coming months. However, despite the outcome in this case appeals are likely to be filed in district court.

Can the judge extend the administrative stay past September 23rd?

Yes. The judge may decide to extend the administrative stay past September 23rd in the future if it finds that good cause exists to do so throughout the litigation process.

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family-1150995_1280Recientemente, el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) ha proporcionado nuevos detalles sobre el permiso de permanencia temporal para cónyuges e hijastros indocumentados de ciudadanos estadounidenses, también conocido como “Manteniendo a las familias unidas.”

USCIS comenzará a aceptar solicitudes en línea para “permanencia temporal,” el 19 de agosto de 2024, utilizando un nuevo formulario electrónico llamado Formulario I-131F, solicitud de permanencia temporal para ciertos cónyuges e hijastros de ciudadanos estadounidenses. El formulario no estará disponible para enviarse por correo. USCIS le recuerda al público que cualquier solicitud recibida antes del 19 de agosto será rechazada.

Los solicitantes deben tener en cuenta que información adicional sobre el proceso de solicitud, y otra información clave se detallará en una próxima notificación del Registro Federal. 

Requisitos de elegibilidad para la I-131F Permanencia Temporal

 Un cónyuge o hijastro de un ciudadano estadounidense puede solicitar el permiso de permanencia temporal bajo este proceso si:

  • Están presentes en los Estados Unidos sin admisión ni permiso de permanencia temporal.
  • Han estado continuamente presente físicamente en los Estados Unidos:
    • Desde al menos el 17 de junio de 2014, si busca la permanencia temporal como cónyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense; O
    • A partir del 17 de junio de 2024, si busca la permanencia temporal como hijastro de un ciudadano estadounidense

Y tambien tiene:

  • Un matrimonio legalmente válido con un ciudadano estadounidense desde el 17 de junio de 2024, si busca la permanencia temporal como cónyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense; O
  • Un padre que tuvo un matrimonio legalmente válido con un ciudadano estadounidense desde el 17 de junio de 2024, y antes que el hijastro cumpliera 18 del años, si busca permanencia temporal como hijastro de un ciudadano estadounidense.
  • No tiene antecedentes penales que lo descalifiquen; y
  • No representa una amenaza para la seguridad nacional y la seguridad pública.

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family-1266188_1280We are pleased to provide our readers with important new updates regarding President Biden’s recent executive order that creates a pathway to permanent residency for undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens who have been living in the U.S. for at least 10 years, as of June 17, 2024.

Those who qualify can apply for “parole in place” a new discretionary program to legalize their status while remaining in the United States.

This program is designed to promote family unity, while eliminating the need for undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens to travel outside the United States to legalize their status through the extreme hardship “waiver” process.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for a discretionary grant of parole, spouses of U.S. citizens must:

  • Be present in the United States without admission or parole (entered without inspection);
  • Have been continuously present in the United States for at least 10 years as of June 17, 2024;
  • Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024;
  • Not have any disqualifying criminal history or otherwise constitute a threat to national security or public safety; and
  • Otherwise merit a favorable exercise of discretion.

Noncitizen children are also eligible for parole if, as of June 17, 2024, they were physically present in the United States without admission or parole and have a qualifying stepchild relationship with the U.S. citizen.

For complete details regarding the program, please visit our parole in place webpage here.

What We Know

Although we do not yet know what forms must be filed along with the associated filing fees, USCIS has announced that it will begin accepting parole applications on August 19, 2024.

More information about the application process and filing fees will soon be published in a forthcoming Federal Register notice. We will provide those details on our blog as soon as they are available.

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Source: Flickr Creative Commons Attribution Gage Skidmore

A estas alturas ya habrás visto los titulares de las noticias. Ahora analicemos la nueva acción ejecutiva histórica del Presidente Biden sobre inmigración y vayamos al meollo de todo lo que necesitas saber sobre esta orden diseñada para mantener unidas a las familias y brindar más oportunidades a los Dreamers.

Proceso para Promover la Unidad y Estabilidad de las Familias– Legalización de cónyuges Indocumentados de Ciudadanos Estadounidenses

Hoy, 18 de junio de 2024, el Presidente Biden anunció un nuevo proceso que permitirá la protección y legalización de los cónyuges indocumentados de ciudadanos estadounidenses que hayan residido en los Estados Unidos durante al menos diez años a partir del 17 de junio de 2024.

En virtud de la autoridad ejecutiva del Presidente, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS), en coordinación con los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS), crearán un nuevo programa discrecional de “permanencia temporal” para que los cónyuges indocumentados de ciudadanos estadounidenses legalicen su estatus mientras permaneciendo en los Estados Unidos.

Aquellos que sean aprobados después de la evaluación caso por caso de su solicitud por parte del DHS tendrán un período de tres años para solicitar la residencia permanente. A los elegibles se les permitirá permanecer con sus familias en los Estados Unidos y ser elegibles para una autorización de trabajo por hasta tres años.

Las personas deben cumplir ciertos requisitos de elegibilidad para convertirse en residentes permanentes legales (titulares de tarjeta verde) bajo este nuevo proceso,

A continuación se encuentran respuestas a preguntas frecuentes sobre esta orden ejecutiva.

Q: ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para que los cónyuges sean elegibles para solicitar el permiso de permanencia temporal y legalizar su estatus en los Estados Unidos?

Para ser considerado caso por caso para una concesión discrecional de permiso de permanencia temporal en virtud de este proceso, una persona debe:

  • Estar presente en Estados Unidos sin admisión ni permiso de permanencia temporal;
  • Haber estado presente continuamente en Estados Unidos durante al menos 10 años a partir del 17 de junio de 2024; y
  • Tener un matrimonio legalmente válido con un ciudadano estadounidense a partir del 17 de junio de 2024
  • No tener antecedentes penales que lo descalifiquen o de otra manera constituir una amenaza a la seguridad nacional o la seguridad pública y
  • Merecer un ejercicio favorable de discreción para recibir permiso de permanencia temporal

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joshua-sukoff-SYHi8oX0JC8-unsplash-scaledThis is a developing story

The world of immigration has been shaken up by new reports that the Biden administration intends to release a groundbreaking executive action on immigration. The President’s order could soon allow spouses of U.S. Citizens to legalize their status in the United States.

According to government officials speaking on condition of anonymity, full details of the executive action are expected to be released as early as Tuesday – the twelfth anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. If passed, it would be one of the largest immigration relief proposals in recent history.

Essentially, a plan has been in the works to create a program known as “Parole in Place” that would offer work permits and deportation protections to undocumented immigrants married to U.S. Citizens, so long as they have lived in the United States for at least 10 years.

Such a program would eliminate the need for spouses of U.S. Citizens to travel outside of the United States to legalize their status through an extreme hardship “waiver” process, that has posed obstacles for many to become legalized.

Instead, the program would open a pathway to permanent residence for spouses of U.S. Citizens to adjust their status to permanent residence from the United States, without having to depart the country.

If passed, the White House’s measure could benefit more than 1.1 million undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens, if they can meet the eligibility requirements.

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