Articles Posted in Inadmissability

donald-2911302_1280La administración Trump planea revocar la libertad condicional CHNV dejando a miles sin estatus legal

En un sorprendente giro, CBS News ha publicado nueva información sobre planes inminentes de la administración Trump para revocar el estatus legal de aquellos a quienes se les concedió un permiso de permanencia temporal en el país a base de los programas para los cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüensens, y venezolanos (conocidos como CHNV).

Se estima que más de 530,000 cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüenses y venezolanos se encuentran actualmente en los EE. UU. bajo estos programas.

¿Qué es la permanencia temporal CHNV?

El programa de permanencia temporal CHNV fue promulgado por primera vez en 2023 por la administración Biden. Al igual que el programa de permanencia temporal de “Unidos por Ucrania,” los ciudadanos de los países que calificaban (Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela) debían tener un patrocinador en los EE. UU., pasar verificaciónes de seguridad, y cumplir con otros criterios para obtener la admisión a los EE. UU.

A los admitidos se les concedió la entrada a los EE. UU. por un período temporal de hasta dos años, incluyendo la capacidad de solicitar autorización de empleo temporal con el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. (USCIS).

Después de la orden ejecutiva firmada por el Presidente Trump titulada “Asegurando Nuestras Fronteras,” el dia 28 de enero USCIS dejó de aceptar el Formulario I-134A, solicitud para ser patrocinador para estos programas de permanencia temporal a la espera de revisiones adicionales.

Esta fue la primera señal de problemas para el programa CHNV. También vale la pena destacar que la página web de permanencia temporal CHNV ya no está disponible en el sitio web de USCIS.

Aviso del DHS Para Revocar CHNV

Según documentos internos del gobierno revisados ​​por CBS News, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional pronto publicará un aviso en el Registro Federal poniendo un fin a los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV y revocando el estado de permanencia temporal de todos a quienes se les concedió la entrada a los Estados Unidos bajo los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV.

Estas personas serán sometidas a un proceso de deportación si no tienen ningún otro fundamento legal para permanecer en el país.

Qué significa esto:

  • Aquellos cuya clasificación de permanencia temporal sea revocada y que no tengan otro estatus migratorio, serán inmediatamente inelegibles para permanecer en los Estados Unidos y ya no podrán trabajar de manera legal.
  • Deportaciones aceleradas: El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha ampliado los procedimientos de deportación acelerada, dirigidos a personas sin estatus legal
  • Vías legales alternativas: aquellos en los EE. UU. bajo permanencia temporal CHNV deben explorar vías legales alternativas para permanecer en los EE. UU. o prepararse para partir.

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american-flag-2054414_1280This week President Trump unleashed a fresh barrage of executive orders targeting illegal immigration and antisemitism in the United States.

Executive Order Expanding Migration Operations at Guantánamo Bay

Among these orders, on January 29th the President signed, “Expanding Migration Operations Center at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay,” unveiling his administration’s plans to use a migrant holding facility at the U.S. naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to house more than 30,000 migrants deported from the United States.

The White House has said the naval station will soon be operating at its full capacity to detain “high priority” criminal aliens unlawfully present in the United States, and to “address attendant immigration enforcement needs,” identified by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.

Immigration advocates have questioned the optics of this decision due to Guantánamo Bay’s sordid history. Once a processing center for asylum seekers and HIV-positive refugees, it has been well known for its detainment of notorious terrorists and unlawful enemy combatants such as the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. This decision has raised alarm due to Guantanamo’s unfit conditions and frequent human rights violations reported to international human rights organizations.

Despite these criticisms, the White House has said that deported migrants held in Guantánamo will not be detained in the same U.S. military prison where foreign terrorists are being held. Instead, migrants will be placed in a separate holding facility previously used to detain migrants intercepted at sea.

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library-of-congress-jPN_oglAjOU-unsplash-scaledIt has been less than 24 hours since President Donald Trump has taken office, and he has already signed into law a flurry of executive orders directly impacting immigration.

More than a dozen of these executive orders dismantle Biden era immigration policies, and usher in restrictive policies for visa seekers, asylum applicants, and undocumented immigrants.

The swift issuance of these executive orders signals a tough political climate ahead for immigration, and what is sure to be a continuance of the Trump administration’s hardline stance on immigration.

While some of these executive orders may face legal challenges, here is a summary of all the executive orders affecting immigration issued on day one of Trump’s presidency.

Executive Order: President Trump’s America First Priorities

President Trump’s first executive order entitled “President Trump’s America First Priorities,” states the following as top priorities of his administration, which touch upon immigration.

  • President Trump promises to take “bold action” to secure the U.S. border and protect communities by calling on the U.S. Armed Forces and National Guard to assist with border security
  • At the President’s direction, the State Department will have an “America-First” foreign policy
  • Ends Biden’s Catch-and-Release Policies

What it is: Catch-and-release authorized the release of individuals without legal status from detention while awaiting immigration court hearings.

  • Reinstates Remain in Mexico Policy

What it is: Known formerly as the Migrant Protection Protocol, this policy will require certain asylum seekers at the southern border to wait in Mexico for their hearings in U.S. immigration court.

  • Continues the construction of his southern border wall with Mexico
  • Prohibits asylum for individuals who have crossed the border illegally

What it is: Aims to end asylum and close the border to those without legal, to facilitate a more immediate removal process

  • Cracks down on U.S. sanctuary cities
  • Enhanced vetting and screening of noncitizen aliens seeking admission to the U.S.

What it is: The President will direct agencies to report recommendations for the suspension of entry for nationals of any country of particular concerns.

  • Expands deportation operations for aliens with a criminal record
  • Suspends the refugee resettlement program
  • Designates cartels such as the “Tren de Aragua” as foreign terrorist organizations and calls for their removal by using the Alien Enemies Act
  • Calls on the Department of Justice to implement the death penalty for illegal immigrants “who maim and murder” Americans and commit “heinous crimes”

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doctor-5569298_1280Wondering what’s new in immigration? We have some bad news for adjustment of status applicants filing a green card inside the United States.

Effective immediately, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will now require adjustment of status applicants filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status to submit their application along with the sealed medical examination from their civil surgeon also known as Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record.

Applicants who fail to provide the medical examination may have their I-485 green card application rejected by USCIS.

Why is a Medical Examination Required for a Green Card?

Those who are applying for adjustment of status (a green card) are generally required to undergo an immigration medical examination. During the examination, the civil surgeon will review the applicant’s vaccination history to determine whether the applicant has received all required vaccinations, including the COVID-19 vaccination.

Once the medical examination has been completed, the civil surgeon must sign and provide a sealed Form I-693 report that must be mailed by the applicant along with the I-485 application.

The medical report is necessary to prove that green card applicants are free from health conditions that would render them inadmissible to the U.S. on health-related grounds.

Accordingly, filing the Form I-693 and Form I-485 together is now a requirement.

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megaphone-6587769_1280In a shocking turn of events, the Biden administration recently announced that it will not be renewing humanitarian parole protections for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. The CHNV parole program was first launched in October of 2022 to discourage illegal border crossings.

It previously allowed qualifying nationals and their immediate members to apply for advanced travel authorization and granted them a temporary period of parole of up to two years for urgent humanitarian reasons.

Individuals were required to have a U.S. based sponsor and pass security checks as part of the application process. Once paroled into the United States, applicants were eligible to apply for an employment authorization document (EAD) with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Now the humanitarian parole program is no more. The government has said that those who came to the United States using the parole policy, will need to obtain legal status through other means before their parole period terminates to remain in the United States. Those who have no lawful basis to remain in the country beyond the parole period will be required to depart or risk being placed in removal proceedings.

According to government data, approximately 538,000 migrants have used the program to travel to the United States (214,000 Haitians, 117,000 Venezuelans, 111,000 Cubans, and 96,000 Nicaraguans).

The first group of nationals who will begin losing their parole status are Venezuelans who arrived in the U.S. through the CHNV program in October 2022. The parole periods of Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans are set to begin expiring early next year.

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beach-4455433_1280In this blog post, we discuss what undocumented spouses and stepchildren of U.S. Citizens can expect after applying for Parole in Place using the new USCIS online application called Form I-131F.

What to Expect After Filing Form I-131F Parole in Place

Once you have properly submitted the Form I-131F using your myUSCIS online account, you will receive a I-797 receipt notice from USCIS by mail as proof that your application was submitted. This receipt notice will contain your receipt number which you can use to track your case on the USCIS case tracker.

Please note that the receipt notice can also be accessed on your myUSCIS portal

The Biometrics Appointment

Several weeks after filing Form I-131F, you will receive a biometrics appointment notice, which will indicate the date, time, and location where you must appear for USCIS to collect your fingerprints, photographs, and a signature.

Your biometrics information will be used to run a background check for criminal history, verify your identity and, and to prepare certain immigration documents (for example, an Employment Authorization Document also known as a work permit).

If USCIS has collected your biometrics information in the past, it is possible that they will reuse such information. If that is the case, USCIS will notify you via your myUSCIS online account and send you a notice by mail.

Receiving a Decision

Those who meet the eligibility criteria for parole in place under the Keeping Families Together program, will receive a discretionary grant of parole for a 3-year period.

As part of the decision-making process, USCIS will take into consideration various factors to determine whether a favorable exercise of discretion is warranted in your case such as:

  • Your criminal history
  • The existence of removal proceedings
  • Unexecuted final removal orders
  • The results of background checks, including national security and public safety vetting Positive and adverse factors presented
  • Any other relevant information available to or requested by USCIS.

Those who have any disqualifying criminal history or are found to be a threat to national security, public safety, or border security, may be denied for parole in place.

Factors such as pending criminal charges will make you ineligible for parole in place while the charge remains pending. Certain criminal convictions can also make you ineligible for parole in place under this process.  Please discuss any criminal records with an experienced immigration attorney before filing Form I-131F.

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53598884922_4742d81a60_cLa semana pasada el mundo de inmigración vivió un evento sísmico. El Presidente anunció una acción ejecutiva histórica sobre inmigración que cambiará para siempre las vidas de los cónyuges indocumentados de ciudadanos estadounidenses y agilizará el proceso de visas de trabajo de no inmigrantes para los beneficiarios de DACA y otras personas indocumentadas.

En esta publicación, compartimos con ustedes todo lo que sabemos sobre cómo la orden ejecutiva beneficiará a los graduados universitarios estadounidenses que buscan visas de trabajo.

La acción ejecutiva del presidente Biden se anunció en el duodécimo aniversario del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA), promulgado por primera vez bajo la administración Obama. Además de brindar protección a las personas contra la deportación, la orden brinda alivio a potencialmente miles de beneficiarios de DACA y otros soñadores que han obtenido títulos académicos en los EE. UU. y están buscando oportunidades de empleo en campos relacionados con su curso de estudio.

Al hacerlo, el gobierno permitirá a los soñadores explorar opciones existentes de visas basadas en empleo, como las visas H-1B, TN, L, O, etc.

Detalles Claves

¿Qué hace la Orden Ejecutiva?

  • Visas de Trabajo: Los beneficiarios de DACA y otras personas indocumentadas pronto podrían solicitar exenciones aceleradas de inelegibilidad y recibir visas de trabajo temporales, otorgándoles estatus legal para vivir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos sin temor a la deportación.
  • Elegibilidad: Para ser elegible para visas de trabajo de no inmigrantes, las personas deben haber obtenido un título en una institución estadounidense de educación superior acreditada en los Estados Unidos y tener una oferta de empleo estadounidense en un campo relacionado con su curso de estudio.
  • Camino hacia la residencia: Existe la posibilidad de que estas visas de trabajo temporal creen un camino hacia la residencia permanente a través de opciones de patrocinio basadas en el empleo.


Debido al polémico clima político, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos no ha logrado aprobar una reforma migratoria significativa que proporcione un camino legal para que los soñadores permanezcan en los Estados Unidos y contribuyan positivamente a la economía estadounidense, utilizando las habilidades y la educación que obtuvieron aquí en los Estados Unidos.

Por primera vez, el gobierno ordenará al Departamento de Estado (DOS) y al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) que emitan una guía aclaratoria que haga posible que los beneficiarios de DACA y otras personas sin estatus legal soliciten exenciones aceleradas de inelegibilidad y visas de trabajo temporales.

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53598884922_4742d81a60_cLast week the world of immigration experienced a seismic event. The President announced a historic executive action on immigration that will forever change the lives of undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and streamline the nonimmigrant work visa process for DACA recipients and other individuals. In this blog post, we share with you everything we know about how the executive order will benefit U.S. college graduates seeking work visas.

President Biden’s executive action was announced on the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, first enacted under the Obama administration. In addition to providing individuals protection from deportation, the order provides relief to potentially thousands of DACA recipients and other Dreamers who have earned academic degrees in the U.S. and are seeking employment opportunities in fields related to their course of study.

In doing so, the government will allow Dreamers to explore existing employment-based visa options such as H-1B, TN, L, O visas, etc.

Key Highlights

What the Executive Order does

  • Work Visas: DACA recipients and other undocumented individuals could soon apply for expedited waivers and receive temporary work visas, granting them legal status to live and work in the United States without fear of deportation
  • Eligibility: To be eligible for nonimmigrant work visas, individuals must have earned a degree at an accredited U.S. institution of higher education in the United States, and have an offer of employment from a U.S. employer in a field related to their course of study
  • Path to Residency: There is potential for these temporary work visas to create a path to permanent residency through employment-based sponsorship options.

Why This Matters

Due to the contentious political climate, the U.S. congress has failed to bring about meaningful immigration reform that provides a legal pathway for Dreamers to remain in the United States and positively contribute to the U.S. economy, utilizing the skills and education they gained here in the United States.

For the first time ever, the government will direct the State Department (DOS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to issue clarifying guidance making it possible for DACA recipients and other individuals without legal status to apply for expedited waivers and temporary work visas.

How will this process work?

While complete details have not yet been released, the government will facilitate expedited review of waivers of visa ineligibility by clarifying that it is within a Consular officer’s discretion to grant a waiver for such individuals, making it easier for them to apply for work visas.

212(d)(3) Waivers and the Ten-Year Unlawful Presence Bar

Under current immigration law, DACA recipients and other undocumented immigrants face additional barriers to obtaining temporary work visas due to their unlawful presence. Under the law, anyone who has accrued unlawful presence for a year or more is subject to a ten-year bar that is triggered upon departing the United States. As a result, the ten-year bar prevents an individual from re-entering the United States for at least ten-years after their departure. This has been a long-standing problem for undocumented immigrants because the bar is triggered even when an individual leaves to obtain a visa at a U.S. Consulate or Embassy abroad.

To overcome the ten-year bar, work visa applicants are forced to obtain a discretionary waiver from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Admissibility Review Office. This waiver is known as the INA 212(d)(3) waiver and is designed to excuse certain grounds of inadmissibility including unlawful presence. An approved waiver removes the bar and allows such individuals to apply for temporary work visas at U.S. Consulates and Embassies. Only once the U.S. work visa is issued, can the individual re-enter the United States in nonimmigrant visa status and work for their employer pursuant to the terms of the employment visa.

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Source: Flickr Creative Commons Attribution Gage Skidmore

By now you’ve seen the headlines in the news. Now let us break down President Biden’s historic executive action on immigration and get to the nitty gritty of everything you need to know about this order designed to keep families together and provide further opportunities for Dreamers.

Process to Promote the Unity and Stability of Families – Legalization of Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens

Today, June 18, 2024, President Biden announced a new process that will allow for the legalization of undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens who have been residing in the United States for at least ten years as of June 17, 2024.

By virtue of the President’s executive authority, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in coordination with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will create a new discretionary “parole in place” program for undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens to legalize their status while remaining in the United States.

Those who are approved after DHS’s case-by-case assessment of their application will be afforded a three-year period to apply for permanent residency. They will be allowed to remain with their families in the United States and be eligible for work authorization for up to three years.

Individuals must meet certain eligibility requirements to become lawful permanent residents (green card holders).

Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding this executive order. 

Q: What are the requirements for spouses to be eligible to apply for parole and legalize their status in the United States?

To be considered for a discretionary grant of parole in place under this process, spouses of U.S. Citizens must:

  • Be present in the United States without admission or parole;
  • Have been continuously present in the United States for at least 10 years as of June 17, 2024; and
  • Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024
  • Have no disqualifying criminal history or otherwise constitute a threat to national security or public safety and
  • Merit a favorable exercise of discretion to receive parole

Q: Are Noncitizen Children of Undocumented Spouses eligible for parole?

Yes. In addition to undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens, their noncitizen children may also be considered for parole on a case-by-case basis under this process along with their parent, if they are:

  • Physically present in the United States without admission or parole and
  • Have a qualifying stepchild relationship with a U.S. citizen parent as defined by the Immigration and Nationality Act as of June 17, 2024

To qualify as a stepchild under the Immigration and Nationality Act, the noncitizen child must be unmarried, under the age of 21, and the marriage of their noncitizen parent and U.S. citizen stepparent must have taken place prior to the child’s 18th birthday.

Q: How is this new parole program different from the current laws in place?

This new “parole in place” program will eliminate the need for spouses of U.S. Citizens to travel outside of the United States to legalize their status through what is known as an extreme hardship “waiver” process.

The “waiver” process is an extremely cumbersome and lengthy process that requires the undocumented spouse to depart the United States and be interviewed and approved for an immigrant visa overseas. Only once the visa is issued can the applicant return to the United States.

This process has unnecessarily torn families apart and created much fear and uncertainty among applicants forced to remain away from their families for prolonged periods of time. Many applicants are the sole providers for their families and take care of children with disabilities, making this process extremely difficult to bear.

This executive action will instead open a pathway to permanent residence by allowing eligible undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens to adjust their status to permanent residence while in the United States, without requiring them to depart the country.

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smile-5621670_1280-1On Tuesday June 4, 2024, President Joe Biden’s rumored executive action on immigration was unveiled by the White House.

Among its sweeping provisions, effective Wednesday June 5, 2024, the order will limit the number of migrants who can claim asylum at ports of entry along the southern U.S. border, while there are high levels of illegal crossings at the southern border.

Specifically, migrants seeking asylum will be turned away at the border when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 daily encounters between ports of entry. Since the number of encounters currently exceeds this figure, the order will go into effect immediately.

This means that starting June 5th U.S. border officials will stop conducting credible fear interviews for asylum claims and will instead quickly expel migrants seeking asylum at the border.

Migrants who are expelled under the order will receive a minimum five-year bar on reentry to the United States and potentially be subject to criminal prosecution.

The government will only accept asylum claims at the border if 14 days have passed, and the number of daily encounters has declined to 1,500 migrants or less at U.S. ports of entry.

Apart from unaccompanied minors, the order applies to all noncitizens, encountered along the southern border, irrespective of their country of origin.

What does the order do?

This executive order will temporarily suspend the entry of noncitizens who cross the border without prior authorization, or a legal basis to do so, including those claiming asylum at the border during periods of high border crossings.

Can migrants still claim asylum through scheduled appointments on the Customs and Border Protection’s One App?

Yes. The executive order does not prohibit migrants from using the CBP One app to make appointments at the border where they are able to claim asylum. The executive order only prohibits “unscheduled” asylum claims at the border.

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