Articles Posted in Enhanced Vetting

donald-2911302_1280La administración Trump planea revocar la libertad condicional CHNV dejando a miles sin estatus legal

En un sorprendente giro, CBS News ha publicado nueva información sobre planes inminentes de la administración Trump para revocar el estatus legal de aquellos a quienes se les concedió un permiso de permanencia temporal en el país a base de los programas para los cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüensens, y venezolanos (conocidos como CHNV).

Se estima que más de 530,000 cubanos, haitianos, nicaragüenses y venezolanos se encuentran actualmente en los EE. UU. bajo estos programas.

¿Qué es la permanencia temporal CHNV?

El programa de permanencia temporal CHNV fue promulgado por primera vez en 2023 por la administración Biden. Al igual que el programa de permanencia temporal de “Unidos por Ucrania,” los ciudadanos de los países que calificaban (Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela) debían tener un patrocinador en los EE. UU., pasar verificaciónes de seguridad, y cumplir con otros criterios para obtener la admisión a los EE. UU.

A los admitidos se les concedió la entrada a los EE. UU. por un período temporal de hasta dos años, incluyendo la capacidad de solicitar autorización de empleo temporal con el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. (USCIS).

Después de la orden ejecutiva firmada por el Presidente Trump titulada “Asegurando Nuestras Fronteras,” el dia 28 de enero USCIS dejó de aceptar el Formulario I-134A, solicitud para ser patrocinador para estos programas de permanencia temporal a la espera de revisiones adicionales.

Esta fue la primera señal de problemas para el programa CHNV. También vale la pena destacar que la página web de permanencia temporal CHNV ya no está disponible en el sitio web de USCIS.

Aviso del DHS Para Revocar CHNV

Según documentos internos del gobierno revisados ​​por CBS News, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional pronto publicará un aviso en el Registro Federal poniendo un fin a los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV y revocando el estado de permanencia temporal de todos a quienes se les concedió la entrada a los Estados Unidos bajo los programas de permanencia temporal de CHNV.

Estas personas serán sometidas a un proceso de deportación si no tienen ningún otro fundamento legal para permanecer en el país.

Qué significa esto:

  • Aquellos cuya clasificación de permanencia temporal sea revocada y que no tengan otro estatus migratorio, serán inmediatamente inelegibles para permanecer en los Estados Unidos y ya no podrán trabajar de manera legal.
  • Deportaciones aceleradas: El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ha ampliado los procedimientos de deportación acelerada, dirigidos a personas sin estatus legal
  • Vías legales alternativas: aquellos en los EE. UU. bajo permanencia temporal CHNV deben explorar vías legales alternativas para permanecer en los EE. UU. o prepararse para partir.

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american-flag-3001893_1280We start the week with the unfortunate news that hundreds of visa applicants were turned away at the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, following a political dispute between President Donald Trump and Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

Tensions between the two heads of state came to a head on Sunday after President Trump wrote on his Truth Social account, “I was just informed that two repatriation flights from the United States, with a large number of Illegal Criminals, were not allowed to land in Colombia. This order was given by Colombia’s Socialist President Gustavo Petro…”

He added, “Petro’s denial of these flights has jeopardized the National Security and Public Safety of the United States, so I have directed my Administration to immediately take the following urgent and decisive retaliatory measures….”

Among these measures, President Trump vowed to:

  • Raise tariffs on all Colombian goods entering the United States
  • Enforce an immediate travel ban and visa revocations on all Colombian government officials, aliens, and supporters
  • Order visa sanctions on all party members, family members, and supporters of the Colombian government and
  • Enhance Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspections of all Colombian nationals and cargo on “national security” grounds

Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Department of State and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced through their spokespersons that they would enforce the President’s orders by immediately ordering the suspension of visa issuance at the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia.

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library-of-congress-jPN_oglAjOU-unsplash-scaledIt has been less than 24 hours since President Donald Trump has taken office, and he has already signed into law a flurry of executive orders directly impacting immigration.

More than a dozen of these executive orders dismantle Biden era immigration policies, and usher in restrictive policies for visa seekers, asylum applicants, and undocumented immigrants.

The swift issuance of these executive orders signals a tough political climate ahead for immigration, and what is sure to be a continuance of the Trump administration’s hardline stance on immigration.

While some of these executive orders may face legal challenges, here is a summary of all the executive orders affecting immigration issued on day one of Trump’s presidency.

Executive Order: President Trump’s America First Priorities

President Trump’s first executive order entitled “President Trump’s America First Priorities,” states the following as top priorities of his administration, which touch upon immigration.

  • President Trump promises to take “bold action” to secure the U.S. border and protect communities by calling on the U.S. Armed Forces and National Guard to assist with border security
  • At the President’s direction, the State Department will have an “America-First” foreign policy
  • Ends Biden’s Catch-and-Release Policies

What it is: Catch-and-release authorized the release of individuals without legal status from detention while awaiting immigration court hearings.

  • Reinstates Remain in Mexico Policy

What it is: Known formerly as the Migrant Protection Protocol, this policy will require certain asylum seekers at the southern border to wait in Mexico for their hearings in U.S. immigration court.

  • Continues the construction of his southern border wall with Mexico
  • Prohibits asylum for individuals who have crossed the border illegally

What it is: Aims to end asylum and close the border to those without legal, to facilitate a more immediate removal process

  • Cracks down on U.S. sanctuary cities
  • Enhanced vetting and screening of noncitizen aliens seeking admission to the U.S.

What it is: The President will direct agencies to report recommendations for the suspension of entry for nationals of any country of particular concerns.

  • Expands deportation operations for aliens with a criminal record
  • Suspends the refugee resettlement program
  • Designates cartels such as the “Tren de Aragua” as foreign terrorist organizations and calls for their removal by using the Alien Enemies Act
  • Calls on the Department of Justice to implement the death penalty for illegal immigrants “who maim and murder” Americans and commit “heinous crimes”

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